Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Update

Just a quick note to let you know that Sam is recuperating nicely. When E went to the refrigerator this morning, he hopped right down and was there. Definitely hungry. Ate a bit to fast... but it's a good sign that he's on the mend. The vet didn't find anything wrong with him and doesn't really know why he's been so sick the last couple of weeks or so. So we shall see. He's been spending alot of time in kitty playland just breathing in the fresh air.

Also want to say "Happy Birthday" to my sister in FL today. This has been a good year for you-I hope this next one is just as good! Love you.

Hope you all have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend -

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I called Cozy after she got home from school on Monday. She had a wonderful day. We had a great chat and she talked on and on about her day. She had breakfast and lunch at school. Naptime, storytime, recess-which she spent on the slide and in her words, she went "Wheeee!" and then climbed up again and again. They have brand new computers in their classroom and she was excited about that. She was concerned that not everyone knew how to be quiet and listen when the teacher was talking. She likes having lots of choices in the cafeteria line-but has to learn to eat quicker. I learned from Terra this morning that by the time they get through the breakfast line they have less than 5 minute to eat. So she may be having breakfast at home where it's a little quieter and less hectic. Her newest phrase is "and next came.." she will tell me something and then say "and next came..." this became quite funny to follow. Her speech has cleared up alot. This was the first time I could understand everything she was saying. Speech has been difficult for her-but being around other kids her age, as well as getting assistance has helped. She will also be getting speech and resource help in school. I think she has a good chance of getting over some of her disabilities.
I spent yesterday at my parents house helping to sort through things. We worked on the bedroom. It was work-but it was fun as well. Some of what we went through were things that belonged to my grandparents or great grandparents/relatives. Some things dating to the late 1890's and early 1900's. It was interesting and fun. A few of those treasures I brought home.
One item is some crochet in an envelope that said it was 40 years old at that time and it was dated 1937. I have several darning eggs- for darning socks. These days we just go buy new ones! I will have to take some pictures of some of these things and post them for you to see.
In then meantime, we are waiting to hear from the vet this morning about Sam-I-Am. He's been sick for the last couple of weeks and had to have surgery this morning. They think that it's either a twisted intestine or possibly, at worst, cancer. They wouldn't know until they got inside to see. He's a really sweet, affectionate kitty. Loves attention and loves to eat! So, if you would keep him in your thoughts.
Hope you have a great day,

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Big Day

Our Granddaughter, Cozy, starts kindergarten today. It's a big day for her. I'll call her this afternoon and see how it all went. I know she's been looking forward to today all summer.

I finished the 2 bargello's this weekend that I've been working on all summer. They are now ready to be quilted. I'll post pictures of them when they are finished. I should have them back late October.

For all of you who are sewers and quilters, Quilting, has some fun quizzes. If you go to the link on the side it will take you there. There is a quiz on fabric, one on tools of our trade, one on quilt assembly and a fun one to see if you are a fabriholic. I know I am!

Other than that, life is quiet for the moment. I have a pinwheel quilt I am working on that is almost finished. I have also signed up to make some blocks for the Dear Jane Winter Holiday Swap. I will do those as soon as it's been confirmed as to which blocks I will be doing. I hope to do one set by machine and one set that is appliqued that I can take with me on my trip to CA in October.

Have a great day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Laundry List

On the Dear Jane Forum we've gotten into talking about laundry and hanging it outside to dry. There have been some really funny stories that have been told. In keeping with this Rosa did a whole blog on it. I've added her blog, Rosa's World, so you can click on it. There she has a recipe for washing instructions. Very funny. It's not been edited for spelling or anything- it's straight out of the scrapbook. She has also put up some great old pictures of laundry day. When we lived in FL I used to hang laundry outside to dry. In our first house, I had a 2nd line in the garage for days when it was too wet. There were days when the laundry was frozen too! I had a washer-but not a dryer. Gone are those days. I do love the smell of sheets and towels when they have been dried outside. These days I just do the laundry in my laundry room/pantry.
The washer & dryer have been getting heavy use this week. E started the week out with a sick cat. So she got the laundry done after that. The next day it was a sick lab. Had to redo the laundry! Today I'm doing just the usual stuff to be done. Phil needs workclothes for tomorrow.
I plan to spend most of the afternoon sewing as well. So I must get on with it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crazy Weather

This is the middle of August and it seems as though our fall rains have started. It's cool, wet and breezy. Granted, we can use the rain-but I wasn't finished enjoying our summer! Our quilting group had hopes to have a lunch and pool party yesterday. It turned into a wonderful afternoon of chit-chat among friends-but wearing sweaters instead of bathing suits! We met at one of our members home in Poulsbo and got to see her wonderful collection of dolls. I've never seen so many dolls outside of a museum. They are beautiful. She regaled us with stories of each of them. It was a fun afternoon.
Our granddaughter gets to meet her Kindergarten teacher this week. Then school starts on Monday for her. She is very excited. She gets to walk to school as it's right across the street from where they live. She has all her new school supplies ready. New clothes and shoes are ready and waiting as well. It is so exciting. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I walked her mother and auntie off to school!
Many things are going on this fall to keep me busy. Sewing with the Stars is in the middle of Sept. I am looking forward to that. It's a retreat of sorts and we will be spending the days sewing. October will bring me to my trip south. I haven't seen our oldest daughter since her wedding nearly 2 years ago. So I'm taking the Coast Starlight Train to Sacramento for 10 days for some quality time with her. By the time I get back it will be time to get into the holiday mode.
I am thinking it's getting to be time to make some veggie chili too. It has all the chili spices in it- but it is full of harvest veggies- like zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, leeks, kidney beans and a host of others. The recipe makes 5 quarts! But is sooo good. It's meatless-but you really don't miss the meat in this recipe. Then I serve it with fresh corn muffins. I've discovered that I prefer to make them from scratch these days instead of the mixes. They have better flavor.
Well, time to get busy. Hope everyone is keeping well these days and enjoying the last days of summer.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August Chit Chat

I've been keeping an eye on Hurricane/Tropical Storm Fay the last couple of days to see where it was headed. My sister lives in St Petersburg Fl. Heard from her last night with her possible evacuation plans for today if need be. But I had email first thing this morning that all was fine, Fay had come ashore south of them, so they will have a relatively quiet day.
Sunday we met my parents and brother & sister in law at the rental house in Manchester for a walk through. We are moving my parents in there in about another month from their mobile home. So there is lots of sorting & packing to do. I will be setting up some time so that I will be helping with all of that in the next few weeks as well. This is a lot of work and at times seems overwhelming for them, but in the long run I think they will enjoy living there. It's a nice house, great yard and even has a small view of the water & Seattle.
Our Granddaughter is also very excited as she starts Kindergarten next Monday. This week she gets to go and meet her new teacher. I got a copy of her school supply list and we got everything she needed and sent it off to her. I wanted to make it special, so I embroidered an artist's palette on her paint shirt and embroidered a patch to go on her backpack. I wanted her to be able to look at it an know quickly that it was hers. That was fun to do. I also added some stickers so that she could decorate her pencil box and of course, I had to put coins in her coin purse. She is a fiend for books like the rest of the family, so in went a new book as well. It was a silly book about chasing bears. She will do well in school.
I have much to do today. Appt with the nutritionist this morning and sewing and baking this afternoon.
Have a good one,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Musings and New Recipe

Many things are going on. Hubby & I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary yesterday. We met on the first day of high school 36 years ago. We celebrated by going window shopping at South Center & IKEA on Sunday. Wasn't sure the weather would be nice, so we opted for something indoors. Also discovered one of our favorite restaurants had relocated up there- Zoopa's- so that's where we had dinner. Came home tired of walking and tired of traffic!

Seems like this is the time of year for moving. I have two friends that are cleaning and packing and selling their homes. My parents are also packing and getting ready to move as well. However, instead of moving far away- they will be moving closer. But it's still an ordeal to sort and pack all that stuff.

The quilting is coming along. I am halfway finished with the 4th bargello. I also did a cute little baby quilt with spaceships and aliens on it for a friend of mine who just became a Grandpa for the first time. I am also working on some lace. Not really happy with it yet. After the bargellos are done and my parents are moved, then mom and I are going to work together on a Hidden 9 Patch that will be king size and done in red, white and black. The fabrics we've chosen have a oriental feel to them.

I went out to lunch a couple of weeks ago and had crab cakes. While they were good- they were loaded with fat and I didn't feel well after eating them. So I came home and thought about the recipe. Here is my take on a healthier version:

toast a 1/2 English muffin, then add a slice of tomato, an 1/8 of an avocado that has be sliced in 1/2, then some imitation crab, a sprinkle of chopped green onions and some finely grated cheddar cheese. Pop under the broiler until the cheese melts. Serve. We use the imitation crab since most of my family is allergic to shellfish. But this is really good. I've been having it for lunch. It has also passed the family taste test.

Time to get to work.