Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crazy Weather

This is the middle of August and it seems as though our fall rains have started. It's cool, wet and breezy. Granted, we can use the rain-but I wasn't finished enjoying our summer! Our quilting group had hopes to have a lunch and pool party yesterday. It turned into a wonderful afternoon of chit-chat among friends-but wearing sweaters instead of bathing suits! We met at one of our members home in Poulsbo and got to see her wonderful collection of dolls. I've never seen so many dolls outside of a museum. They are beautiful. She regaled us with stories of each of them. It was a fun afternoon.
Our granddaughter gets to meet her Kindergarten teacher this week. Then school starts on Monday for her. She is very excited. She gets to walk to school as it's right across the street from where they live. She has all her new school supplies ready. New clothes and shoes are ready and waiting as well. It is so exciting. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I walked her mother and auntie off to school!
Many things are going on this fall to keep me busy. Sewing with the Stars is in the middle of Sept. I am looking forward to that. It's a retreat of sorts and we will be spending the days sewing. October will bring me to my trip south. I haven't seen our oldest daughter since her wedding nearly 2 years ago. So I'm taking the Coast Starlight Train to Sacramento for 10 days for some quality time with her. By the time I get back it will be time to get into the holiday mode.
I am thinking it's getting to be time to make some veggie chili too. It has all the chili spices in it- but it is full of harvest veggies- like zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, leeks, kidney beans and a host of others. The recipe makes 5 quarts! But is sooo good. It's meatless-but you really don't miss the meat in this recipe. Then I serve it with fresh corn muffins. I've discovered that I prefer to make them from scratch these days instead of the mixes. They have better flavor.
Well, time to get busy. Hope everyone is keeping well these days and enjoying the last days of summer.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Funny you should mention chili I have been thinking of making some with the rain we have been having this week. I do put meat in mine and we have cornbread with it. Maybe this weekend.