Sunday, August 24, 2008

Laundry List

On the Dear Jane Forum we've gotten into talking about laundry and hanging it outside to dry. There have been some really funny stories that have been told. In keeping with this Rosa did a whole blog on it. I've added her blog, Rosa's World, so you can click on it. There she has a recipe for washing instructions. Very funny. It's not been edited for spelling or anything- it's straight out of the scrapbook. She has also put up some great old pictures of laundry day. When we lived in FL I used to hang laundry outside to dry. In our first house, I had a 2nd line in the garage for days when it was too wet. There were days when the laundry was frozen too! I had a washer-but not a dryer. Gone are those days. I do love the smell of sheets and towels when they have been dried outside. These days I just do the laundry in my laundry room/pantry.
The washer & dryer have been getting heavy use this week. E started the week out with a sick cat. So she got the laundry done after that. The next day it was a sick lab. Had to redo the laundry! Today I'm doing just the usual stuff to be done. Phil needs workclothes for tomorrow.
I plan to spend most of the afternoon sewing as well. So I must get on with it.

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